Postby ArT » Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:18 am
Please use calibration data for above sensor:
R25 = 10500
Beta = 3536
It should work above >40C. Below 40C readings may be inaccurate because I can not see scaling table below this range.
If sesor "A" connected to AdcVcc1 is working fine and the same type of sensor "B" connector to AdcVcc2 is not working properly please check:
1. if you have in settings NTC1 for AdcVcc1 and NTC2 for AdcVcc2 and you have the same scaling (R25 = 1050 Beta=3536) for both
2. replace inputs, sensor A to AdcVcc2 and sensor B to AdcVcc1,
-> if still sensor B (connected to AdcVcc1) is not working, please check connections from this sensor to UTCOMP input and ground for this sensor, one signal is probably missing or sensor is broken.
-> if sensor B is now working and sensor A is not working, please check AdcVcc2 input in utcomp - please connect it to ground and check AdcVcc2 voltage in application reading tab - it should display 0.00 - 0.02V. Now please disconnect AdcVcc2 input - it should display around +5,2V
please tell me about results,
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