Calibrating random oem sensors

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Calibrating random oem sensors

Postby 1mouse3 » Sat Apr 20, 2024 4:37 am

I gathered a bunch of oem sensors to put in ports I could find in a custom 7.3 idi build.


These the sensors and how I have them wired

Code: Select all

EGR EBP form a 6.0 psd
A4 ground
A5 signal
A6 5v reference
Map from a 5.9 or psd
B4 ground
B5 signal
B6 5v reference
oil pressure form 8.1 bbc
A17 ground
A18 signal
A19 5v reference
fuel pressure is a ebay special (half wire and not installed)
B10 ground
B11 signal
B12 5v reference
EGT from a Dmax (half wired)
B2 left
B3 right (not in stalled yet)
Intake temp form a 5.9 cummins
BOSCH 0280130037 coolent temp (that I dont remeber what it came off and not pictured)

When I was going through the software to setup this, I notice that the digital signal are temperature only. Can these be change to pressures, since those are the digital ones Im using?


Since temperature was all I have for a starting point...


I went to find the hotest point with a temp gun, to find what the coolant temp. Inside the radiator was best point, but this is under the low switch point of my fans. I made this check with the engine off and fans unpluged, to keep the temp steady.


So starting that sensor to get parameters, this is what I got for two data points. Can I use its own voltage reading to set parameters, or do I have to physically check resistance?

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vref - 5.32

-after a drive

-after some sitting

-fan switch
low - 180*F
high - 195*F

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Re: Calibrating random oem sensors

Postby ArT » Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:14 am

Digital temperature inputs are only for DS18B20 sensors.

All NTC temperature sensors and pressure sensors should be connected to analog inputs.

If you are connecting NTC sensor ONLY to UTCOMP, you should connect it to AdcVccX and ground. Calibration is using resistance of the sensor.

If you are connecting NTC sensor to UTCOMP but it's already connected to stock ECU (it has power supply from ECU) - you should connect it to AdcX and ground. Calibration is using voltage of the sensor.

Then you can start scaling.

Please check below tutorials for more information:

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Re: Calibrating random oem sensors

Postby 1mouse3 » Sat Apr 27, 2024 6:26 pm

Thnaks for pointing that out.

"Digital temperature inputs are only for DS18B20 sensors."

So was mistaken on how this unit is set up and with what I find on it, looks like it has the dac built into the sensor and is not onboard to the unit. In turn those four signal pins are shared or have some sort of devider to sperate them, since on a bus of some sort. That would leave me with less usable pin to work with.

The pressure senors I am using are all about the same 5v pull up solid state type, and not analog resistance based sensors. The oil pressure one is off a 8.1 L18 bbc, that should be the same as a LS1 that I found this data for.


That lead me to think that I need to find a dac to use these, this is what I find searching for possible options that would allow a few to be daisy chained on two pin under i2c protocol. Would this work for what for what Im trying to do? ... cuit-specs

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Re: Calibrating random oem sensors

Postby ArT » Mon Apr 29, 2024 11:38 am

I see standard voltage/pressure table above. Just connect signal of this sensor to AdcX input and it will work.

DS inputs are only for 1-wire communication dedicated for DS18B20 sensors - each sensor on separate wire.

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