These the sensors and how I have them wired
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EGR EBP form a 6.0 psd
A4 ground
A5 signal
A6 5v reference
Map from a 5.9 or psd
B4 ground
B5 signal
B6 5v reference
oil pressure form 8.1 bbc
A17 ground
A18 signal
A19 5v reference
fuel pressure is a ebay special (half wire and not installed)
B10 ground
B11 signal
B12 5v reference
EGT from a Dmax (half wired)
B2 left
B3 right (not in stalled yet)
Intake temp form a 5.9 cummins
BOSCH 0280130037 coolent temp (that I dont remeber what it came off and not pictured)
When I was going through the software to setup this, I notice that the digital signal are temperature only. Can these be change to pressures, since those are the digital ones Im using?
Since temperature was all I have for a starting point...
I went to find the hotest point with a temp gun, to find what the coolant temp. Inside the radiator was best point, but this is under the low switch point of my fans. I made this check with the engine off and fans unpluged, to keep the temp steady.
So starting that sensor to get parameters, this is what I got for two data points. Can I use its own voltage reading to set parameters, or do I have to physically check resistance?
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vref - 5.32
-after a drive
-after some sitting
-fan switch
low - 180*F
high - 195*F