I'm trying to dattalog my data's at 10hz on my bike.
All value are well received each 100ms but rpm are an issue for me.
When I import my data's from dattalog menu, rpm refresh rate is very slow. I use injection method to make rpm. Each values change every 100ms but rpm seems to be refresh every 1sec. Moreover, values are alway rounded values (perfect numbers multiple of 100: exemple 2100...2200...) which seems wrong.
The issue is when I Rev the engine, a have per exemple 2000rpm, then 5000 rpm, then 8000 rpm and seems to be refresh only every second.
This is a big issue for me as I try to make my injection mapping thanks to utcomp.
So I record all values during the revs, but they are associated to wrong rpm as the refresh rate is slower than recording rate?
According to you, what would be wrong?
I need exact rpm for each recording points.
Thanks in advance for support!