wiring UTCOMP pro on Toyota Land Cruiser J7

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wiring UTCOMP pro on Toyota Land Cruiser J7

Postby Alvise » Wed Jun 26, 2024 8:46 am

Good Morning, I just purchased a UTCOMP Pro Unit and I'm wiring it to my Toyota LJ73, build in 1987: the main need is about EGT, boost pressure and intercooler air temperature but due to the numerous functions I can get, I started wiring all I could!

By now I have a problem with the RPM signal: if I connect A11 or B7 pin but nothing happens... but if I keep the wires free and let them touch, for a fraction of second UTcomp will show some data in the RPM frame (860 or 430), that is round about the idling speed of my engine (diesel, totally mechanic). The tachometer in the factory cockpit is perfectly functioning.

Settings: the RPM are read from a 2 wire pickup that is bolted on the fuel pump (Bosch VE4), from the diagram the tacho in the cockpit is connected on common positive, common GND, and has a wire called on the wiring diagram "pulse", that is where I connected UTCOMP.

From the computer settings I defined the pin in use (A11 or B7) RPM from Hall sensor, in the advanced tab I setted 2 (the fuel pump turns at the half of the speed of the crank.

The sensor on the pump has the Toyota code 83180-30011, I believe that is not a Hall sensor but an inductive pickup.

May you have some suggestions?

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Re: wiring UTCOMP pro on Toyota Land Cruiser J7

Postby ArT » Thu Jun 27, 2024 11:08 am

Do you have maybe access to osciloscope to check what signal we are dealing with? UTCOMP for RPM requires pulses where LO state is below 0.5V and HI state is above 4V. Max 2kHz.

Do you selected in settings -> advanced -> rpm second option (measurement from separate signal)?

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Re: wiring UTCOMP pro on Toyota Land Cruiser J7

Postby Alvise » Wed Jul 03, 2024 9:34 am

Unfortunately I don't have an oscilloscope to verify but trough indirect resources I found out that the sensor that gives the engine speed signal is a VR sensor that excited will go from 0 to 0.5-0.7 V signal.
I suppose that I will need an amplifier or a hall sensor to be fitted somewhere (maybe the easiest is on the camshaft pulley or fuel pump pulley).

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Re: wiring UTCOMP pro on Toyota Land Cruiser J7

Postby Alvise » Fri Aug 09, 2024 11:41 am

Finally I came to a solution, buying a Vems VR to Hall converter, that is based on a LM1815 chip and it has a divider integrated, but I used 1:1 output.
Finally my UTCOMP reads the engine speed, after I've been using all the connections I could (EGT, MAP, IAT, Oil temperature and pressure, engine temp, external temp and so on.
Yesterday arrived a VSS adapter (Brantz BR3) that has a Hall sensor that will provide 4 pulses for revolution... UTCOMP is really some of the best upgrades that I could get for my car.

Now I have two questions:

The Variable reclutance sensor (2 wires) is mounted on the fuel (diesel pump) that is a Zexel (that is a Denso, that at the end is a Bosch VE4)...
For 1 revolution of the crank I get 0.5 revolutions of the pump shaft, that has a z37 primary gear, the secondary gear is z23 (where the sensor reads), so at the end I should have 18,5 pulses for crank revolution.

1: From the software I can set (settings>advanced>RPM) only entire numbers, either 18,0 or 19,0 pulses for revolution, if I input and save 18.5 it will still save 18,0 after refreshing the page.

2: The other point refreshing time: the tacho will update at 1Hz, not more, even if at the idle speed (800 rpm) the sensor will be reading at about 246 Hz (max speed: 4800 rpm 1480 Hz).

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