Alarming on 12v input (Brake)

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Alarming on 12v input (Brake)

Postby DArtagnon » Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:44 pm

I'll be installing my UTCOMP-PRO in a 1968 Dodge Travco motorhome to replace all of the old mechanical gauges. The motorhome has a brake metering valve with a brake warning switch integrated into it. The brake warning switch is used to indicate a failure in either front or rear hydraulic system. The warning switch is connected to an indicator light on the dash. I'd like to move to using the UTCOMP to indicate the failure instead of (or in combination with?) the indicator light.

Is there a pin I can connect the 12v to, which I could then use as a trigger for an alarm?


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Re: Alarming on 12v input (Brake)

Postby ArT » Fri Jan 18, 2019 12:28 pm

Dear Matt, what voltage output do you have when alarm is not triggered? ground or hi-z? (open circuit)

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Re: Alarming on 12v input (Brake)

Postby DArtagnon » Sat Jan 19, 2019 2:18 pm

ArT wrote:Dear Matt, what voltage output do you have when alarm is not triggered? ground or hi-z? (open circuit)

I'll néed to confirm but let's assume it is open circuit.

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Re: Alarming on 12v input (Brake)

Postby ArT » Mon Jan 21, 2019 10:50 am

I see workaround only. You should pull-down this signal to ground (e.g. with 1Meg resistor) so it will always has defined state (LO or HI). Then you can connect it to Adc5 input (0-30V) and configure Adc5 input by selecting any sensor you are not using (e.g. EGT, AFR or any other not used) and then set alert for it. You can scale it in such way that for 0V it will display 0, and for ~12V it will display any other value... and then set alerts for these values.

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