Update v3.3 for UTCOMP-3 and UTCOMP-PRO

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Update v3.3 for UTCOMP-3 and UTCOMP-PRO

Postby ArT » Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:05 pm

edit: this update is out of date - there is already newer update

Dear UTCOMP-3 and UTCOMP-PRO users - update v3.3 is available. There are few improvements and fixes:

Increased refreshing rate from analog sensors on display

Indiciations of boost pressure (turbo), oil pressure, AFR and EGT (all channels) now are refreshing on display 5 time faster. Measurements from analog sensors are 50 times per second for each analog input (e.g. for alerts), displaying is 5 times per second (average from 10 samples) on both: LCD and OLED displays.

Increased refreshing rate for digital temperature sensors

If configuration does not use all inputs for digital temperature sensors (DS18B20) than used channels are refreshing faster. For example: UTCOMP-PRO has 4 inputs for DS18B20 sensors. If you connect only 1 sensor than it will be refreshed 4 time faster. If you connect 2 sensors than it will be refreshed 2 times faster.

Operation costs for TRIP

Added maintenance costs of the vehicle in TRIP screen. Now you can provide not only fuel costs, but also operation costs for each traveled kilometer or mile. All costs (in TRIP and SUMMARY screens) are the sum of two costs: fuel costs and operation costs. If you do not know your operation costs than you can enter zero or average value, for example in most cases cost of 1 km is around 0,10 - 0,30 EUR.


- now there is possibility to connect longer tape to OLED 3,2" (up to 2 meters should be fine)
- fixed PB/LPG current fuel checking after device hard-reset,
- added refreshing display after each PB/LPG change,

Who can update and how to update?

Update is free. It will work with all UTCOMP-3 and UTCOMP-PRO modules. Update process is described in update manual (in software: menu help -> manuals). If you have troubles into switching to DFU (update mode) than you should hard-reset device by pressing CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + R in software (all settings and statistics will be erased!) and update after that.

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