Some of you already know (from various sources )that we are working on new versions of UTCOMP-3 (version 3.0) and UTCOMP-PRO. It should be available in the second half of April. Now I'm giving you few information about new modules.
edit: UTCOMP-3 and UTCOMP-PRO are available since 22th April '15
General info:
- UTCOMP-3 is the successor of UTCOMP 2.5,
- UTCOMP-PRO is more advanced version of UTCOMP,
- UTCOMP is compatible with LCD 2,5" and OLED 2,3" displays - both 122x32 pix,
- UTCOMP-PRO is compatible with OLED 3,2" 256x64pix display,
- UTCOMP-PRO has more inputs and supports more sensors,
Main differences between UTCOMP-3 and UTCOMP 2.5:
- new module is compatible also with 24V installation,
- less current consumption (energy saving),
- LCD contrast adjust on the buttons,
- pinout compatible with 2.5 version,
- display compatible with 2.5 version,
- more possibilities of input configuration, e.g. there is possibility to use additional resistance/NTC sensor (with power supply from UTCOMP) and connect to factory one as well (buffered input),
- possibility to assign temperatures to sensors, e.g. engine/oil temperature can be measured from digital or analog sensors,
- additional pressure measurement (e.g. there is possibility to measure boost pressure and oil pressure at the same time),
- additional alerts (all temperatures, voltage, turbo pressure, oil pressure, AFR, EGT, fuel level, speed limit),
- analog inputs can be labeled on oscilloscope.
Main differences between UTCOMP-PRO and UTCOMP-3:
- bigger OLED display with higher resolution available in 4 colours,
- 5 more analog inputs (total 7),
- 2 more digital temperature sensors DS18B20 (total 4)
- additional digital input (e.g. for RPM),
- additional digital output (e.g. relay control 5V/100mA) - reserved for future use and custom firmwares,
- additional external FLASH memory (user can change OLED graphics, data-logger),
- data-logger - recording up to 10 parameters,
- new 16-pin display connector (longer tape possible),
- 3 additional configurable user screens with new templates (total 4 user screens).