Help with DVD RW board

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Help with DVD RW board

Postby chuckbass1 » Mon May 20, 2024 10:02 pm


I am wondering if anyone can give me any pointers on this board, I can not find anything online about this board or chips.

Below is what I have discovered:

The main chip I believe as an MCU by RENESAS with the model R8J32740FP42. Whilst I can find a lot of documents online about RENESAS and other 128 pin chips from them I cannot find anything specific to this one.

The AR15F6 - This seems to be an 8 pin chip, however I was not able to put my 8 pin SOIC clip on it to get a reading, it seems smaller than the usually winbound 8 pin chips I have seen.

The 2ATTI 2ATTI - A8JVG2 - 2050G4 - This one I am confident is correct as I also know it exists in another device for the same purpose and seems to be a motor IC chip commonly found is laser products.

More detailed photos - [Imgur: The magic of the Internet](

The 8 pin chip labelled AR15F6 - Would this be the chip that would program the Renesas chip? I couldn't really find 64 or 128 clip. I did see some Renesas programmers, but I did not find any with the interface to program this chip.

My goal is I would like try and repair this disc drive and take a flash reading as I have done in the past for previous failed hard drives. Any help appreciated, thanks

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