first off i wanted to thank you for this programmer. when i was looking for programmers after trying to dust off my EMP-10 i found most were knockoffs and had no websites. i chose this one based on the support and examples online.
now to my question.
I have a few micro 93c66 eeproms i need to program these are programmed in the zif connector.
however i'm facing a problem.
it seems the revelprog isn't consistently reading or writing the eeproms. the crc checksum changes occasionally.
even when it doesn't change i see portions of the memory not loading correctly once placed back in the UPS.
the power on the revelprog seems consistent so im not sure what i may be doing wrong apart from operator error?
can you also explain the swapbyte setting? i read the manual but don't understand if it applies to my issue.
i'm using version 1.8.0.
thank you.