Updates v1.9.x for REVELPROG-IS (last update 2023-05-08)

REVELPROG-IS update notes, news and general discussion about REVELPROG-IS and device/memory programming.
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Updates v1.9.x for REVELPROG-IS (last update 2023-05-08)

Postby ArT » Wed Jun 08, 2022 1:05 pm

Update v1.9 for REVELPROG-IS is already available! :mrgreen: We would like to say THANK YOU for your feedback and suggestions - it is pleasure to make REVELPROG-IS better and better. There are few new features, improvements and supported devices. Update cost is... just kiding ;-) Your satisfaction is our number one priority, so as usual, update is free for all REVELPROG-IS users.

I. What's new in v1.9.0 ?

  • New supported devices
    Updated supported device list for FLASH, EEPROM and FRAM and:

    • added support for MultiStack FLASH SPI devices, e.g. GD25S512MD (DUAL DIE), W25M512JV (DUAL DIE), W25Q01JV (DUAL DIE), W25Q01NW (DUAL DIE 1.8V), W25Q02JV (QUAD DIE),
    • added beta support for KBC FLASH KB90xx chips e.g. KB9012, KB9016, KB9022, KB9026, KB9028
    • added support for W74Mxx Authentication Flash devices e.g. W74M64JV, W74M64JW (1.8V), W74M12JV, W74M12JW (1.8V), W74M25JV, W74M25JW (1.8V), W74M51JV, W74M51NW (1.8V), W74M01GV, W74M01GW (1.8V), W74M02KV, W74M02GV
    Please check latest supported device list on website.

  • W74M Authentication Flash
    Added W74Mxx Secure Authentication Flash tool for keys programming - please check more details and tutorial on other post: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=972

  • PreScript and PostScript operations
    Added pre- and post- scripts in memory database. There is possibility to execute additional custom script directly before or after memory operation (CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + S to activate option in memory database). It may be useful when you would like to change chip configuration directly before operation and restore configuration after operation, e.g.
    1. unlock device and disable quad spi (pre-script)
    2. write device (operation)
    3. enable quad spi and lock device (post-script)

  • Automatic mode with production file and command line
    New Automatic Mode tool (beta version) allows for programming devices based on production file. It is possible to run REVELPROG-IS application from command line with -productionFile "path.txt" parameter, so it will run and load production file on startup. In production file it is possible to configure: device name, operating voltage, operation type (READ, WRITE or ERASE), file path (for write or read operation), pre-script and post-script paths (for custom script tool).

    Video example how it works: https://youtu.be/69MQlU2r9k0
    Tutorial: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=913&p=3822

  • CustomScript Tool improvements
    • added #LeaveVppEnabled to custom script (leave VPP on after script execution) - it may be useful when you configure the device with custom script, but disconnecting power will cause reset and lost configuration
    • INSTR & DATA formatting - possibility to enter bytes in a row (without separation and without commas)
  • Hardware Toolbar
    New HW Toolbar (menu View -> HW overwrite) will alow to overwrite SCK speed or Imax current from quick toolbar

  • Fixed READ operation for SCK 10% and SCK 2% on some PCs due to USB timeout

  • Display current in mA for memory programming on status bar

  • Memory operation sounds (e.g. timeout error sound, verification success sound etc.)

  • Bug fixes and improvements for SFP/QSFP/XFP Transceivers:
    • XFP user password brute force bug fix (it writes 0x02 page before any write password operation - its necessary for some XFP because they are restoring default page in case of wrong password)
    • resetting flags (after brute force it was always time out during standard read)
    • Wait for end of operation for script executing before request next operation (for some xfp on some computers it were timeouts)
    • Extended maximum write delay to 255ms
II. Update

Update is optional and free. Programmer can be updated via USB from application. Please read update manual carefuly (Chapter 8) before update process.

At the moment you can download v1.9 installer from direct link:
https://www.reveltronics.com/downloads/ ... _Setup.exe
In few days it should be also available on our site and via autoupdater in application.

III. Your feedback

I would like to use this oportunity to encoruage you to write a review about REVELPROG-IS on product site, REVELTRONICS Facebook profile or in any place on the internet 8-) If you have suggestions for next updates please share it on forum in dedicated topic. Your opinion is important to us! Thank you! :)

IV. Previous updates

Missed previous updates? Please check 1.8.x changelog here

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Re: Updates v1.9.x for REVELPROG-IS (last update 2022-06-14)

Postby Pityu » Wed Aug 10, 2022 4:45 pm

Hello ArT !
What can I say ? Love you for memory operation sounds !

Don't tell me I'm materialistic person :lol:

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Re: Updates v1.9.x for REVELPROG-IS (last update 2022-06-14)

Postby Digiplanet » Mon Oct 24, 2022 1:57 pm

I have been testing the new 1.90 update. But I do miss some things.
- I miss that when I click on chip detect, after detecting the chip, te screen goes away. When programming a laptop chip we have to remove the clip and put it back on. Now I have to do extra work to call up the screen. Doing this maybe 30 / 40 times a days is useless.
- I would like button for the chip detect
- I would also like if you can bould in the chip detect on the left side. So we can click and see immediatly the chip and the family of the chip, from where we can choose. It will make the whole layout more friendly
- Last point is that if we read a chip (FLASH25) and we only change a few bytes. Is it possible to just change these bytes instead of erasing and writing the whole chip. The hex editor is allready implemented. So I think this must be possible for you to make.

I hope you will take these point in account, so we can improve the product which is already one of the best and affordable programmer.

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Re: Updates v1.9.x for REVELPROG-IS (last update 2022-06-14)

Postby ArT » Mon Oct 24, 2022 2:43 pm

Digiplanet wrote:I have been testing the new 1.90 update. But I do miss some things.
- I miss that when I click on chip detect, after detecting the chip, te screen goes away. When programming a laptop chip we have to remove the clip and put it back on. Now I have to do extra work to call up the screen. Doing this maybe 30 / 40 times a days is useless.

The screen is disappearing only if chip is detected properly and ID is unique, so window is hiding and proper chip is selected. You can restore window with F10 shortcut, you do not have to go through menu.

Digiplanet wrote:- I would like button for the chip detect
- I would also like if you can bould in the chip detect on the left side. So we can click and see immediatly the chip and the family of the chip, from where we can choose. It will make the whole layout more friendly

Read ID is only for FLASH. EEPROMs do not have IDs and this feature will work only FLASH devices. So this is the main reason why there is no dedicated button available from single click, but there is F10 shortcut to quicly run READ ID window. I added your suggestion to "TODO" list and check if we can do any improvements here.

Digiplanet wrote:- Last point is that if we read a chip (FLASH25) and we only change a few bytes. Is it possible to just change these bytes instead of erasing and writing the whole chip. The hex editor is allready implemented. So I think this must be possible for you to make.

The thing is FLASH memory can not change single cells - you need to erase whole block or sector, so it's impossible to overwrite single bytes. I guess reprogramming single sector still will be better option than reprogramming whole memory - we are already working on such feature for some devices but it's not trivial task for current implementation (there is a lot of code for rewrite from scratch). Now from last update you can do that with custom script tool. If you are often modifing the same bytes I recommend to use this tool at the moment, where you can erase only single sector or block and then write to memory data from buffer or hard coded in script.

Digiplanet wrote:I hope you will take these point in account, so we can improve the product which is already one of the best and affordable programmer.

Thank you for your feedback and suggestions!

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Re: Updates v1.9.x for REVELPROG-IS (last update 2022-06-14)

Postby Digiplanet » Tue Oct 25, 2022 3:44 pm

Thank you. The F10 is perfect for now. Thank you for the quick reply.

Looking forward to any new updates

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Re: Updates v1.9.x for REVELPROG-IS (last update 2023-05-08)

Postby ArT » Mon May 08, 2023 2:22 pm

New update v1.9.1 is already available. Firmware update is required. There are changes mainly for optical transveivers support. Added support for new OSFP, SFP-DD and QSFP-DD multi-lane transceivers adapter (you can read more about available adapters for SFP, XFP, QSFP, SFP-DD, QSFP-DD and OSFP here). Added support for new CMIS standard (please check supported standards here). Some customers also asked us about bruteforcing parssword in not default page - so we also added such feature. There also some minor changes, but generally if you do not need these improvements, you can stay with 1.9.0 which is still fine.

Please note that v1.9.1 requires programmer firmware v1.9.1 so if you have older firmware in REVLEPROG-IS you will need also update firmware to v1.9.1 (from application). If you do not need these changes you can stay with v1.9.0 software.

Firmware update - how it looks like video:

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Re: Updates v1.9.x for REVELPROG-IS (last update 2023-05-08)

Postby zburget » Sun May 14, 2023 11:29 am

There is link to download new setup file: https://www.reveltronics.com/downloads/ ... _Setup.exe
Or link to directory with all downloads: https://www.reveltronics.com/downloads/ ... e/english/

It can be added to ArT's post and my post can be deleted.
Zbyněk Burget

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