Tips for UTCOMP's features and tutorials for assembling additional sensors in vehicles.
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Postby ArT » Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:52 pm

I'd like to show you few UTCOMP-PRO examples for connecting various sensors for such measurements as:

  • exhaust gas temperature measurement (EGT) for single channel (bulk measurement), dual channel (e.g. for V engines - single EGT for each cylinder head) or quad channel (e.g. for each cylinder in 4-cylinder engine),
  • turbo / boost pressure,
  • oil pressure,
  • air fuel ratio (AFR) single channel or dual channel (e.g. for V engines),
  • oil temperature (for engine, gearbox etc.)
  • engine coolant temperature (to get temperature alert before stock instrument cluster light),
  • fuel pressure (e.g. for common-rail engines)
  • and other temperature & pressure measurements.

UTCOMP-PRO has 7 analog inputs for analog sensors: 5xAdcX for voltage signals and 2xAdcVccX for resistance sensors. Additionaly it has 4 inputs for digital temperature sensors. In total there is possibility to get 11 readings from external sensors with customizable alerts and data-logger which is quite awesome :mrgreen: The art is how to configure it for your needs.

In this tutorial I'll show you one of most popular configurations for users with modified turbo engines. This example does not exhaust all connection possibilities and I'll show you more examples in the future. There are different sensors which require different connection - please take a look for additional sensors tutorial which is useful complement for this tutorial and describes various type of sensors for measurements.


1. for EGT measurement you will need EGT probe (thermocouple type-k) and thermocouple type-k amplifier (EGT-K single channel). Thermocouple should be connected to amplifier's TC+/TC- inputs, and amplifier's output should be connected to UTCOMP-PRO any AdcX analog input, e.g. Adc1. You can find more information about EGT on our forum, please take a look for Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) readings using thermocouple sensor type k tutorial.

2. for turbo boost pressure you should use signal from any MAP sensor (Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor) - it can be used stock MAP sensor so you do not need to assembly any additional sensor (more information you can find in additional sensors tutorial which I linked above). MAP sensor output should be connected to any AdcX analog input in UTCOMP-PRO, e.g. Adc2. Example of BOSCH MAP sensor

3. for oil temperature there are two possiblities:
  • 3a. you can use digital temperature sensor (please take a look for digital temperature sensor for oil temperature measurement example). The main advantage is that UTCOMP has dedicated inputs for these sensors (you do not occupy analog input so you can use it for other purpose) and it will show readings also for very low (below 0 celsius degrees) temperatures. The main disadvantage is sensor's maximum temperature range which is limited to +125C and it may be to low for powerful and tuned engines.
  • 3b. you can use also analog temperature sensor "NTC" type. The main advantage is maximum temperature range (example of 150C NTC sensor). Disadvantage is fact that this type of sensor will show accurate temperature only in limited range (e.g. 50+ celsius degrees) and it will not be accurate for lower temperatures (fortunatelly we can live with that for oil temperature measurements). This type of sensor should be connected to any AdcVccX input. If you have already such sensor in the vehicle and it is already powered from other device (e.g. ECU) than you should connect it to AdcX input (you will measure voltage directly, not resistance).
In our example we will use additional NTC sensor which will be connected to AdcVcc1 input in UTCOMP-PRO.

4. for oil pressure we have also two possibilities:
  • 4a. you can use resistance oil pressure sender, e.g. auto-gauge 10bar 240-33 ohm from peak series (or other). Main advantage is usually low price in comparision to possibilities (with UTCOMP-PRO internal analog measurement circuit you can get good accuracy of +/- 0,1 bar). This type of sensor due to internal mechanical resistance mechanism is physically quite big (you may have troubles to fit it in tight places) and - what is worse - it is not reliable in long term exploatation - I have observed that some of these sensor after certain mileage may have leaks of oil (probably due to vibrations) and it is loosing on accuracy after years (internal resistance mechanizm after many cycles is wiped out). Anyway, it will be enough solution for most cases.
  • 4b. you can use voltage oil pressure sender, e.g. 10bar 150 PSI 0-5V pressure sensor (or other). It does not have any mechanical elements inside (pressure measurement is based on MEMS chip) so it has small dimensions, it is more accurate (+/- 0,05bar) and is more reliable in long term exploatation. It does require additional power supply (+5V) which can be get from ECU or from UTCOMP (e.g. any DS18B20_VCC output has +5V power which can be used). Sensor's output (0-5V) should be connected to any AdcX analog input in UTCOMP.
We will use voltage pressue sensor (4b.) in our example. Sensor will be powered from UTCOMP-PRO (e.g. +5V from pin B12 and ground from pin B10). Output signal from sensor will be connected to Adc3 input in UTCOMP-PRO

5. for AFR we will need wideband o2 sensor (e.g. BOSCH LSU 4.9) with controller (e.g. Innovate LC-2). Controller is responsible for optimal sensor's parameters (e.g. sensor's temperature) - this is some kind of very fast regulator for wideband o2 sensor. If you use AFR readings also for fuel map in ECU (injection calculations) than you should consider as fast controller as possible (because it is used in feedback loop for ECU map). UTCOMP does not require such fast controller because it is used only for user readings so any controller with 0-5V output will be fine. AFR signal output (0-5V from controller) should be connected to any AdcX input - in our example we will use Adc4 in UTCOMP-PRO.


At the moment we have used 5 analog inputs: Adc1 (EGT), Adc2 (boost), Adc3 (oil pressure), Adc4 (AFR) and AdcVcc1 (oil temperature). We have still Adc5 and AdcVcc2 inputs left free for future use - we can use them for other analog measurements, e.g. engine water temperature or fuel pressure. Additionaly we have still 4 inputs free for digital temperature sensors (DS18B20 with -40C..+125C range) for any use, e.g. for inlet temperature (one sensor before intercooler and second sensor after) or even inside/outside temperatures, gearbox temperature etc.

We can set custom alerts for important readings, so there is no necessary to keep an eye on readings (you can focus on the road 8-) ) and you will be notified when any value exceed dangerous threshold. On the other hand, there is possibility to set up to 4 customs screens in UTCOMP-PRO where up to 4-6 values can be displayed on each screen - you can preview these templates on OLED display demo video (starts from 1:29) or you can install UTCOMP application and check screen settings.

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