I2C SPI Custom Script Programming [TUTORIAL & EXAMPLES]

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Re: I2C SPI Custom Script Programming [TUTORIAL & EXAMPLES]

Postby laptopuri » Tue Jan 08, 2019 11:02 pm

We need a toool for reading and writing JTAG on varios laptops . Can revelprog read and write on this bus ?
Regards , Vlad
jtag .PNG
jtag .PNG (85 KiB) Viewed 13856 times

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Re: I2C SPI Custom Script Programming [TUTORIAL & EXAMPLES]

Postby ArT » Wed Jan 09, 2019 2:57 pm

Hi Vlad, unfortunately REVELPROG-IS does not support JTAG interface at the moment.

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Re: I2C SPI Custom Script Programming [TUTORIAL & EXAMPLES]

Postby ArT » Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:26 pm

Since v1.8.1 REVELPROG-IS will be supporting 1-wire interface in custom script tool. Here is example for DS2436 battery chip: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=436&p=2143

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Re: I2C SPI Custom Script Programming [TUTORIAL & EXAMPLES]

Postby ovidiugabrielstan » Fri Jul 31, 2020 10:21 am

Hello, can you please help me with some details about the following problem: I would like to use revelprog-is programmer together with some other microcontroller programmers, using a .bat file. This would allow me to 'automate' the programming process of a custom made board. I am using the revelprog-is programmer to flash a binary file for a FPGA device, memory type ISSI IS25LP064, which works great using GUI.

Is it possible to use revelprog-is programmer from the command line? Something like C:\path\revelprog-is.exe <memory_type> <operation_type> <binary_file>

For example: C:\path\revelprog-is.exe IS25LP064 -Write C:\myBinFile.bin

If such a feature exists, can you please direct me to a manual/description? I can't use the scripting tool, as it would be a lot easier to just use the GUI for that matter.
If this feature isn't available, can you please plan it for a future release? It would make the revelprog-is programmer a must for many others I believe.

Thank you and have a nice day,
Ovidiu Gabriel

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Re: I2C SPI Custom Script Programming [TUTORIAL & EXAMPLES]

Postby ArT » Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:17 pm

Unfortunately REVELPROG-IS application is GUI based. We have in plans command line interface but it needs to write new app from scratch to make it GUI independent. We have it in plans but I can not promise any date at the moment so at the moment I recommend to find other solution. Please check also this subject viewtopic.php?f=22&t=415&start=10 last @bigendian post - he prepared command line software for his own (for linux) and it's working with few FLASH devices

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Re: I2C SPI Custom Script Programming [TUTORIAL & EXAMPLES]

Postby ArT » Thu May 13, 2021 2:51 pm

Since update v1.8.5 custom script tool will have some new features:

"DATA:BUFFER" in operations
It will import data bytes directly from application buffer, so you do not have type data bytes in script directly. Address will be incremented in background, so it will import bytes from buffer with proper offset. Example of use: (1) viewtopic.php?f=32&t=883 (2) viewtopic.php?f=32&t=436&p=2143#p2143

Script maker changes in v1.8.5
There are few new options:
  • Import write bytes from buffer -> it implements above "DATA:BUFFER" feature, instead of providing data bytes for writing in script, script can import these bytes in run time from buffer (during execution)
  • Reapeat operation N times -> you can generate multiple operations with single click (up to 256 repetitions). Address can be incremented automatically, please check option below
  • Autoincrement address for repeated operation -> you need to specify number of address bytes (1, 2, 3 or 4). Address will be incremented in repeated operation (address bytes = 1,2,3 or 4 last bytes in instruction).
On below example Instruction is CCh 0Fh 78h where 78h is address (single byte address). This address will be incremented in repeated operation, so first operation will have address 78h, second will have 80h (78h + number of bytes to write = 8 in this example), third will be 88h etc. "Write bytes after instruction" window is disabled because "import write bytes from buffer" option is checked (it will import bytes from buffer during script execution).
script-maker-since-v1-8-5.png (155.93 KiB) Viewed 8571 times

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Re: I2C SPI Custom Script Programming [TUTORIAL & EXAMPLES]

Postby error666 » Thu Apr 28, 2022 8:26 pm

In case anyone needs script commands for the SFP A0h page 0x50 when using the I2C bus.
This may seem obvious but I had to do some searching.

Code: Select all

//Read 1 Byte at a time. Offset 0x14,0x15,0x16,0x17




Code: Select all

//WRITE 1 Byte at a time (4 characters H,W,T,C) offset 0x14,0x15,0x16,0x17




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