Six 0-5v Analog Signals: EGT x 4, Wideband AFR & Manifold Pressure

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Six 0-5v Analog Signals: EGT x 4, Wideband AFR & Manifold Pressure

Postby KirkB » Mon Sep 23, 2019 11:20 pm

Is it possible to connect six 0-5v analog signals to the UTComp-Pro? If so, what is the best way?

I have one K-type thermocouple in each of the four header tubes. Each thermocouple is connected to the proper terminals of the Reveltronics EGT-K 4-Channel Thermocouple Amplifier. It makes sense to connect the four outputs from the EGT-K Amplifier to the four AdcX 0-5v analog inputs (A8, A9, B2 and B3).

However, I need to connect two more 0-5v analog outputs to the UTComp-Pro: 1x Wideband AFR output and 1x Manifold Pressure output from my AEM Wideband Failsafe Gauge.

I suppose the Wideband AFR (or Manifold Pressure) output from the gauge can be connected to the Adc5 0-30v analog input (B9). Will this work well? Is there a better option?

In any case, there would still be one more 0-5v analog signal that I need to connect. Is this possible? If so, what are my best options?

EGT 1 > Adc1 (A8)
EGT 2 > Adc2 (A9)
EGT 3 > Adc3 (B2)
EGT 4 > Adc4 (B3)
WB AFR > Adc5 (B9)?
Manifold Pressure > ???

Thank you,

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Re: Six 0-5v Analog Signals: EGT x 4, Wideband AFR & Manifold Pressure

Postby ArT » Tue Sep 24, 2019 12:12 pm

0-30V input is also fine for 0-5V signal, you will have 6x worse accuracy (because you will use 1/6 range of input) but it still will be good.

The other option is to modify AdcVccX inputs to AdcX input and then you can connect EGT5 and EGT6 to these inputs (EGT3/EGT4) so you will recoup Adc3 and Adc4 inputs. You will need to remove 2 resistors from UTCOMP-PRO board (R14 and R21 - I marked them on picture) and then AdcVcc1 and AdcVcc2 inputs will work as standard 0-5V AdcX inputs (without pullup).
UTCOMP-PRO_AdcVccX_to_AdcX_mod.jpg (362.05 KiB) Viewed 5610 times

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Re: Six 0-5v Analog Signals: EGT x 4, Wideband AFR & Manifold Pressure

Postby KirkB » Tue Sep 24, 2019 11:31 pm

Thank you ArT! That is very, very helpful.

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